Pislyazavtra (AfterTomorrow) NGO is a national CSO founded in 2015 to support and invest efforts into Sustainable development Goal number 5 achievement by 2030.
Overall mission, goals
is to move business and society towards gender equality, overcoming the gender pay gap, becoming a female-friendly and anti-sexist society through communication campaigns, peer-to-peer reeducation, media, events, digital activism, and educational projects. To drive change in a creative, agile, and bold way.
is to make a significant input into the 5th sustainable development goal achievement by 2030.
is a bit high but straightforward: We aim to make intolerance irrelevant (gender equality is, for sure, part of it). To decrease prejudice, we will reduce the number and extent of biases and eliminate barriers and discrimination. We are a team valuing gender mainstreaming. We accept and share all principles of CEDAW. Gender sensitiveness and rights-centricity are part of our organizations’ DNA.
Our key target audiences are:
24-45-year-old, entrepreneurs, middle and senior managers, non-indifferent change-makers
13-24-year-old, all genders
24-45-year-old, entrepreneurs, middle and senior managers, non-indifferent change-makers
Developed and successfully launched an online inclusive thinking trainer that helps teenagers in Armenia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Moldova boost their knowledge about gender equality, rethink gender stereotypes and avoid bullying and discrimination in their daily life and communication. Through 21 daily challenges, the digital textbook will teach its users to prevent bullying, discrimination, and other violent and harmful attitudes and behaviours.
Nomoregringe. powerbank sends users 4 simple and fun daily notifications: 1 message, 1 microgame, 1 video, and 1 thank you gif to reward the efforts. Available 24/7, the interactive, gamified, and pleasant educational tool was produced in 6 languages – English, Ukrainian, Azerbaijani, Armenian, Georgian, and Romanian.
The original idea of the digital trainer of inclusion and gender bias elimination was created as a response to almost 85% of Ukrainian teens’ requests to develop an inclusive mindset and behaviour through comprehensive explanations, games, quizzes, and videos, at school and home.
The request for the tool was discovered in August 2022 during surveying 1,059 teens from 25 towns in Ukraine by Pislyazavtra CSO (within the #nomoregringe campaign created under the frame of the EU 4 Gender Equality: Together against gender stereotypes and gender-based violence project, funded by the European Union and jointly implemented by UN Women and UNFPA).
views gained nomoregringe.powerbank videos released within the promo campaign for the bot launched on TikTok.

To support wives of fallen soldiers, launched the Progresiya cohort for a community of 1200 women.
In May-June 2023 we surveyed Ukrainian teens opinion all over the country regarding their thought about gender bias and social inclusion.
A survey of Ukrainian youth conducted by Pislyazavtra CSO in May June 2023 gave us a clear understanding that
To detect what kind of support women need after a year of a full-scale invasion, in April 2023, Pislyazavtra CSO, in partnership with the Gradus research agency, surveyed 1029 women from all regions of Ukraine.
Apart from peace and stability, the group named self-confidence (27%), courage and determination (22%), knowledge (16%) and network (13%) to support their professional growth and realization. Mental, ambiguity, unsafety, and violence that Ukrainian women and girls experience under the current war circumstances require immediate health & psychosocial support services to regain energy levels and desire for development and growth. The war escalated impostor syndrome. The second and third-shift burdens increased dramatically while continuous stress, risk, and ambiguity deprived women of confidence, energy, and ambition to move forward. While women have tripled their commitment during wartime, investing a lot of effort into responding to emergencies by running primary breadwinners roles (although income dropped for 83% of women) and trying to maintain and balance the mental health and education of kids with volunteering work (67% of women volunteer), their voices are still not equally represented in peace and security and humanitarian processes. Support, points of stability, and a community of value-mates are vital to take the segment of future change-makes out of the “tunnel with no light at the end” mindset.
For the third year in a row, in January-February, the Biasless team surveyed white-collar workers to assess inclusivity in Ukrainian organizations together with Factum Group Ukraine, the analytical partner of MZ Hub. 604 residents of regional centres in Ukraine contributed to the research in 2023.
Portrait of Respondents: 46% were male, and 54% were female. Most respondents were 26-40 years (47%) and 40-55 years (45%). 86% of respondents had higher education, 61% were married, and 36% predominantly identified as Ukrainian speakers. 9% of the survey audience had disabilities, and 1% had neurodiversity (such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, dyslexia, etc.). As expected, most respondents were affected by the consequences of Russia’s aggression.
Our respondents represented various industries and types of employers. While the service sector, education, and production remained vital segments in the industry, as observed over the past three years, private businesses represented only 55% of the respondents this year. The rest were from government and municipal institutions (41%), and even 1% from non-governmental organizations. The distribution of respondents among small, medium, and large enterprises was balanced.
Factors of Inclusivity and Discriminatory Practices: The most critical factors in nurturing and caring for employees during the war, contributing to their positive perception of inclusivity, were identified as follows:
Over the past three years, ageism (when opportunities are denied due to being too young or supposedly lacking energy), sexism (when actions, traits, or professions are divided into masculine and feminine, or when not conforming to traditional gender roles leads to prejudice), lookism (discrimination based on appearance, such as weight, facial features, hairstyle, etc.), xenophobia (intolerance, hostility, hatred, or contempt towards something or someone foreign or unfamiliar), and homophobia (believing that heterosexuality is the only valid norm and disapproving of same-sex relationships) consistently rank among the top 5 types of discrimination in workplaces. However, this year, the prevalence of discriminatory behaviour decreased by 2-5% across all classes.
Nonetheless, 80% of respondents declared that they had not experienced discriminatory behaviour, indicating that there is still room for improvement in awareness, readiness to engage in conversations about discrimination, marginalization, and violence, and competence to recognize manifestations of oppression and discrimination.
Regarding the most significant categories requiring support, there is no clear leader. The Armed Forces of Ukraine, together with young people, veterans of the armed conflict, and single parents, are placed in the second priority group, following women and people with disabilities.
The progress has been minimal regarding organizational enlightenment on diversity and inclusivity issues, with only 13% of respondents having such opportunities in 2022. However, 42% of respondents were willing to discover this aspect of civilization.
The overall “Level” score for 2022 is slightly lower (in fact, the weakest in three years) at 64.1%, corresponding to the “satisfactory” category. This index is calculated based on a factor analysis, where statements about the workplace are grouped into four blocks: “Fairness,” “Opportunities,” “Authenticity,” and “Safety.” Despite the lack of safety, the consolidated score remained relatively stable, likely influenced by the mix of moments of shock, incredible national cohesion, and the skill of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, respondents’ self-assessment regarding inclusivity in their enterprises overwhelmingly falls into the “good” and “excellent” categories, which can indicate inclusive blindness (lack of experience).
The survey responses confirm that lack of education, traditional norms, and critical thinking issues are the primary sources of toxic behaviour and violence in society.
Despite numerous rhetorical questions about having enough anger, 72% of respondents (compared to 64% in 2021) believe that Ukrainian society is gradually moving towards greater tolerance.
Regarding gender equality, 40% of respondents (compared to 31% in the previous year) believe we will achieve it within the next 50 years, and 21% (compared to 16% in 2021) feel it has already been completed. Interestingly, only 3% of respondents admitted to being intolerant (tripling the decrease from 2021), while the vast majority consider themselves tolerant.
However, this picture likely reflects a world without a northern neighbour. 97% of respondents consider themselves tolerant allies-activists. As for the adequacy of their anger towards Russians, only 40% believe it is not sufficient. While 49% of respondents claim that “good Russians” do not exist, only 20% consider denying employment to Russians as discrimination based on nationality. Additionally, 26% of respondents have a very negative perception of a new Russian colleague.
Regarding the ability to forgive genocide, destruction, forced displacement, and living in hell due to Russia’s actions, the invaders should not expect mercy. 53% of respondents stated that they would not forgive such actions.
Progresiya, a mentoring and educational project supporting Ukrainian female change-makers, future, and current female leaders from business (33%), civil society (34%), and governmental sector (33%) created in partnership with The United Nations Women’s Peace & Humanitarian Fund.
Those who demonstrate leadership ambition and potential but were mentally and psychologically affected by the war: feel lost regarding their jobs or career perspectives and social positioning (predominantly IDP women, wives of fallen soldiers, women veterans, and survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). The project aimed to enhance women’s leadership, mental health, and security, amplify their voices, and prepare for Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery (by equipping them with the competence necessary for more active participation in political and decision-making processes).
A total of 665 Ukrainian women applied to the call of application of Progresya project 100 of them were selected. For four months, from September to December 2022, 2 professional psychologists, 11 coaches, 71 mentors, four career consultants, and 22 tutors worked with 100 Ukrainian women from all regions of the country and internally displaced persons. 5 of graduates were awarded grants by Ferrexpo to implement their gender equity-supporting grassroot initiative
Fe_munity – a national women’s economic empowerment program for women with leadership potential co-founded in partnership with Ferrexpo.
FEMUNITY.UA is a space of growth and support for Ukrainian women with leadership potential who need reinforcement, ideas, and new acquaintances to implement community changes. The initiative is implemented with the full financial and ideological support of Ferrexpo, whose goal is to significantly contribute to overcoming the gender gap elimination in Ukraine. Together with us, the company launched Fe_munity for the third time in 2022. In the war year, we came up with a 2-in-1 approach: we mixed the training, development, and inspiring motivation of 70 female employees of Ferrexpo with 50 community leaders from all over Ukraine.
of training
female executive mentors
hours of lectures
TriMetrix® EQ personal audits
Ukrainian speakers
foreign speakers
A total of 420 Ukrainian women applied to the call of application of the Fe_munity project 124 of them were selected. National participants represent three sectors: business (52%), society (38%), and government (10%)
New in the program this year: Foreign speakers, Mentorship, TriMetrix® EQ personal audits, Multifunctional telegram chatbot @FemunityBot, the project site
While creating the @Mindcraft_ua chatbot, we talked to many experts about adolescent trauma and the gender specifics of experiencing super stress during war.
We decided to make these dialogues available to the general public — teachers, parents, students, and psychologists. This collection contains four texts from American specialists on psychological adolescent trauma and two interviews with Ukrainian practitioners, through the heads and hearts of which many people have passed since February 24. Their experience might be helpful for those looking for answers to what and how to change in relations with teens touched by the war consequences.
Moreover, the selection includes tests by well-known researchers, which help to understand one’s psychological state and to get a certain acceleration if a meeting with a psychotherapist is already on time.
Supported Ukrainian teenagers in wartime and provided them with mental-emotional-psychological support by a personal stress-relieving Telegram chatbot Mindcraft_ua development.
views gained videos released within the promo campaign for the bot launched on the social network No. 1 among Ukrainian teenagers, TikTok.
Ukrainian teens downloaded and used the videos

Supported Ukrainian women who had to flee by launching the Sisters’ circle mentorship program (and after surveying the needs of 238 females).
Partnering with European Women on Boards and Generation CEO female networks, we connected 70 Ukrainian mentees with 60 European-based female executives to support the economic integration of the temporary protected professional women.
Developed and implemented DE&I strategy for Ferrexpo, the world’s third-largest exporter of iron ore pellets, a high-grade form of iron ore that helps to lower carbon emissions in the steel value chain.
workers contributed to the DE&I assessment
executives and 200 employees graduated from the School of Inclusion
female employees reinforced by Fe_munity Women Empowerment and Leadership Program
teenagers eliminated gender bias through STEM streamers quest format
DE&I excellence award won from HR Pro Association in 2021

Conducted workshops on DEI to 3800 Ukrainian teachers and teams of GSK, Grammarly, Henkel, PMI, Agrii, and Go Interactive.

Developed and launched tolerance boosting campaign #iamtrigger on TikTok
In partnership with the Human Rights Foundation / MATRA Program of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
views got the #iamtrigger gender myths crushing videos

Developed and launched a diversity and inclusiveness research of the Ukrainian business “Riven”
Developed and successfully launched the first massive gender bias elimination campaign on Ukrainian TikTok with EU, UN Women, and UNFRA called nomoregringe. The communication campaign reached 7 million people.
Surveyed 175 teens (13-19 years) from 25 cities and towns of Ukraine.
In 2020
Together with NDA, developed a tool that allows you to find Wikipedia articles with potential style violations in the context of gender stereotypes and gender-sensitive vocabulary. Launched on November 7-26, 2020, the tool makes it easier for She Did It 2020 marathon participants to determine bias and measure their relevance according to the context.
2019 – 2020
Concentrated on finding ways to digitize human rights promotion activism and worked on Biasless development. The checker and advisor once developed were planned to be inbuilt into social media, CMS and MS Office, and Google to help organizations and people prevent reputation and financial losses, some of which can be caused by lawsuits protecting honor and dignity. It includes education as well since hate speech and discrimination are very often a result of ignorance.
Here is our product demo:
2015 – 2018
event attenders
1 million
Biasless team

Iryna Rubis
Head of NGO

Anna Berezetskaya
Project/Grant Lead

Olena Logosh
Project/Grant Lead

Daria Cherkashyna
Marketing and PR Lead
Recommendation letters

Recommendation Letter for Pislyazavtra NGO
Pislyazavtra team not only shares expertise or manage socially impactful projects at a high level of quality. They evangelize people and enlighten desire to try themselves as activists.

Recommendation Letter for Pislyazavtra NGO
Pislyazavtra NGO demonstrated a high quality of performance, speed, agility, the creativity of the approach, and innovation, NDI recommends Pislyazavtra NGO as a trustworthy and reliable partner.